- Think of a time that you were amazed by a new technology. Why?
- Does your technology collect the minimal data necessary, for a specific purpose? Is it stored for a limited time?
- How does your technology protect data sent overseas?
- How does your technology accommodate users seeking greater control over their personal data?
- Do you provide sufficient, clear information about how your technology uses personal data? How?
- Does your technology process personal data lawfully? Specifically, how do you obtain consent?
- Does your technology protect data from unanticipated disclosures? How? Can you notify users of a breach quickly?
- Have you systematically assessed privacy impacts of your technology? What technical & organisational safeguards should you implement?
- Does your technology use information collected in a public space? How do you protect privacy rights of those involved?
- Does your technology collect the location of users? Why? Does it need to?
- What measures have you used to comply with EU Data Protection Laws? How do you demonstrate these to users?
- How does your technology obtain explicit user consent for processing of sensitive info incl. health, religious, political, ethnic origin & sexuality?
- Does your technology shape the autonomy, dignity and identity formation of users? How?
- Consider the setting this technology will be used in & why this is important.
- Can everybody understand what your system does? how?
- How do you ensure people can exercise ongoing choice about using your system?
- Does your technology overtly treat one group of people differently? Why?
- What are the consequences of your technology for the freedom of choice of users? Does it unreasonably limit it? How?
- How do you ensure and maintain citizens’ trust?
- Do you know why your technology acts the way it does? Can you explain that to people?
- What effects does your technology have on the environment, from creation to destruction?
- Where does power reside in your technology? Is it balanced?
- How do you ensure your technology acts in a fair manner & does not cause injustice to users?
- How long does your technology last? How does it manage its impacts from creation to destruction?
- Does your technology improve the lives of its users? How?
- Can citizens participate in decisions about your technology? How?
- What's the most embarassing things about your technology? Would you change it now? Why?
- Does your technology enable citizens to hold & manage multiple identities?
- How does your technology protect people's identities? Does it use anonymisation or pseudonymisation techniques?
- Does your technology keep secrets? From whom? Why? Should it?
- How does your technology create trustworthy, secure relationships with users?
- How does confidentiality feature in your technology? Does it use methods such as encryption, by default?
- Are the security mechanisms in your technology intuitive to use & easy to understand? How & for whom?
- Is your technology robust to unforeseen vulnerabilities? Can it maintain optimal service when challenged?
- How does your technology manage security breaches? Can it notify users & regulators within 72 hours?
- How does your technology affect the physical safety of users?
- Can all the harmful effects of your technology be clearly attributed to it? Should they be?
- Is your technology honest? Can people rely on it?
- Is security equally available to all people impacted by your technology? How?
- How can your technology embody human virtues?
- Is your technology environmentally sustainable now & in the future? Can you explain how?
- Can your technology be reasonably adjusted to ensure it can be used by as many people as possible? How?
- Does your technology protect people from unfair commercial behaviours causing harm or discrimination? How could it?
- is everyone subject to the same rules when using your technology? Are they aware of these?
- How does your technology avoid enabling arbitrary decisions? Does it follow a clear, justifiable decision making process?
- What steps have you taken to address the biggest risks arising from your technology?
- What are the foreseeable harmful effects created by your technology? Who is responsible for these?
- Are your responses to risks appropriate? Do they go too far or not far enough?
- Appraising future risks of your technology, should you still proceed i.e "Just because you can, should you?"
- Does your technology provide reasonable care for the wellbeing of citizens? How?
- Does your technology respect or challenge IP interests of others, incl. trademarks, copyrights, patents & design rights? How?
- How does your technology manage use in undesirable, socially unacceptable or criminal applications?
- List three direct or indirect stakeholders impacted by your technology
- List two safeguardss that address the risks posed by your technology. Also provide two practical constraints to implementing these.
- Reflect on two contexts of use for your technology. Describe them below.
- Briefly describe what your technology is and how it works
- List the three biggest risks your technology poses.
- Are there any new technical approaches underpinning your technology? Consider these, if they are riskier than current approaches and list two reasons why.